Friday, March 9, 2018


    Although without a definitive release date for the present Massacre Video is going to release legendary Texas filmmaker Frank Q. Dobbs's ENTER THE DEVIL (aka DISCIPLES OF DEATH) from 1972 on Blu-ray. With a restoration already playing some festivals & convention hopefully we'll get this at some point later this year. 
   A fascinating example of 70's regional horror it fits in nicely with that "Texas/Southwest desert Devil worship" sub-genre including MARK OF THE WITCH (1970), RACE WITH THE DEVIL (1975) & THE DEVIL'S RAIN (1975). Over at The Oak Drive-In I did a write up on this awhile back.
    Unsettling and with a very low key creepy atmosphere (there's something about those desert settings) this is one of those great little films that have sadly been regulated to public domain eyesore status on various low budget labels so this is going to be a very welcome release.


  1. Thanks for this! My dad was the sound department on this movie and even plays one of the hunters that finds the burnt out car in the beginning of the film. Their production company was very small and mainly made industrial safety movies. There was a companion film called Rim of Hell that was also made around the same time.It wasn't horror, despite the title, but more along the lines of The Treasure of Sierra Madre. Good luck finding it though. My dad did have a master copy that had been transferred to 3/4" video tape but I do not know where it is today. I will look out for the Blu Ray of Enter the Devil.

    1. Great story ! Thanks for sharing and thanks for leaving the comment.
