Severin Films has announced the upcoming release on of this pretty cool Barabara Steele package on blu-ray. The main feature is Mario Caiano's 1965 Iralian horror classic NIGHTMARE CASTLE (aka FACELESS MONSTER & NIGHT OF THE DOOMED). Featuring a duel role by Steele as a pair of sisters, a score by Ennio Morricone (his first horror score), dungeons, candelabras, resurrected corpses and shadowy B&W photography by Enzo Barboni (DJANGO). In addition if all that weren't enough, there's also Helga Liné lurking about.
With even more Barbara Steele for your buck, as bonus features there's also new 2K scans of CASTLE OF BLOOD and TERROR CREATURES FROM THE GRAVE, plus NIGHTMARE features an audio commentary by Barbara (who as the years go on seems to be getting more and more comfortable with her horror filmography) and historian David Del Valle.